
To register for the 14th International Conference of the Club Español del Arbitraje you can complete the

Early Bird Special fees up to May 31Fees after May 31
CEA Members (1)625,00 € + 21% IVA725,00 € + 21% IVA
CEA -40 Members (1)400,00 € + 21% IVA450,00 € + 21% IVA
CEA correspondent members (1)400,00 € + 21% IVA450,00 € + 21% IVA
CEA -40 correspondent members (1)350,00 € + 21% IVA400,00 € + 21% IVA
No Members (1)725 € + 21% IVA825 € + 21% IVA
CEA-40 Members (without social events) (2)250 € + 21% IVA280 € + 21% IVA
Guests (3)200,00 € + 21% IVA230,00 € + 21% IVA
Student Special Fee (4)150 € + 21% IVA150 € + 21% IVA
IPBA Members (1)625 € + 21% IVA725 € + 21% IVA
Early Bird Special fees up to May 31
CEA Members (1)625,00 € + 21% IVA
CEA -40 Members (1)400,00 € + 21% IVA
CEA correspondent members (1)400,00 € + 21% IVA
CEA -40 correspondent members (1)350,00 € + 21% IVA
No Members (1)725 € + 21% IVA
CEA-40 Members (without social events) (2)250 € + 21% IVA
Guests (3)200,00 € + 21% IVA
Student Special Fee (4)150 € + 21% IVA
PBA Members (1)625 € + 21% IVA
Fees after May 31
CEA Members (1)725,00 € + 21% IVA
CEA -40 Members (1)450,00 € + 21% IVA
CEA correspondent members (1)450,00 € + 21% IVA
CEA -40 correspondent members (1)400,00 € + 21% IVA
No Members (1)825 € + 21% IVA
CEA-40 Members (without social events) (2)280 € + 21% IVA
Guests (3)230,00 € + 21% IVA
Student Special Fee (4)150 € + 21% IVA
IPBA Members (1)725 € + 21% IVA

(1) The registration fee includes the work sessions, coffee breaks, the welcome reception and dinner on Sunday 16 June 2019, the lunch, gala reception and dinner on Monday 17 June, the lunch Tuesday 18 June, as well as the Conference materials.
(2) The fee includes the work sessions, coffee breaks and the work materials.
(3) The registration fee includes the welcome reception and dinner on Sunday 16 June 2019 and the gala reception and dinner on Monday 17 June 2019.
(4) Students will provide a copy of their student card or a copy of their school enrollment for the current year. The fee includes the work sessions, coffee breaks and the work materials. The registration fee does not include the welcome reception, the lunch and the gala dinner.

Payment method

You can make your payment by:

  1. By credit card,
  2. By PayPal, or
  3. By bank transfer, clearly stating your name, in the following account:

BENEFICIARIO: Club Español del Arbitraje
ENTIDAD: Banco Santander
IBAN: ES 69 0049 1811 3521 1044 5384

A copy of proof of payment must be sent by e-mail to the Congress Administration department at (