CEA Women event

CEA Women event

Organized with Arbitral Women and ERA Pledge

To attend this event it is necessary to confirm attendance by completing the registration form of the 14th CEA Conference.


Those that are interest in participate and are not register in the CEA Conference, shall confirm their attendance to this event by sending an email to administracion@clubarbitraje.com.

As this is a free event and seats are limited, registration is essential.

Hourly Schedule

16.00 - to 16.30 h
Registration and issue of documentation.
16.30 - to 16.50 h
Women on top: meet …

Carmen Martínez López - ¿What’s a woman from Murcia doing in a place like this?

  • Carmen Martínez López. Partner, Three Crowns, London.
16.50 - to 17.45 h
Discussion Panel:

“Conthian” Theorems.

  • Valeria Galíndez. Founding Partner, VGArb, Sao Paulo.
  • Narghis Torres. Founder and CEO, Lex Finance, Lima.
17.45 - to 18.30 h
Surprise event.


Tuesday 18 June 2019


4:00 pm - 6:30 pm


Auditorio Pérez-LLorca
Paseo de la Castellana, 50. Madrid. Spain.
QR Code