“Enhancing Arbitration’s Credibility: the CEA Code of Good Practice”
Hourly Schedule
Sunday 16, June 2019
- 20.30 h -
- Reception and tour of an art collection.
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando
Calle de Alcalá, 13
Cocktail attire
Monday 17, June 2019
- 09.00 - to 10.00 h
- Registration and issue of documentation.
- 10.00 - to 10.45 h
- Opening.
- José Amérigo. Technical Secretary General of the Ministry of Justice.
- Juan Fernández-Armesto.President of the Club Español del Arbitraje.
- Julio González-Soria.President of the Organizing Committee of the 14th Annual Conference. CEA Vicepresident.
- 10.45 - to 11.15 h
- Coffee break.
- 11.15 - to 11.30 h
- Introduction:
The Code of Good Practice in good hands.
- Carlos de los Santos. Partner, Garrigues; Vice President os the Club Español del Arbitraje, Madrid.
- 11.30 - to 13.00 h
- Discussion Panel.
How will the new Code of Good Practice affect practitioners and arbitrators?
- Galina Zukova. Partner, Belot Malan & Associes, Paris.
- Alfonso Gómez-Acebo. Partner, Cuatrecasas, Madrid.
- José Maria Beneyto. Partner, JM Beneyto & Asociados; Professor of International Public Law and European Community Law, Madrid.
- Ina Popova. Partner, Debevoise & Pimpton LLP, New York.
- 13.30 h -
- Luncheon.
(Hotel Intercontinental Madrid
Paseo de la Castellana, 49)
- 16.00 - to 16.30 h
- After lunch coffee.
A personal meeting with Bernardo Cremades.
- Carmen Núñez-Lagos.Independent Arbitrator, Paris.
- Bernardo Cremades. Founding Partner, B. Cremades y Asociados, Madrid.
- 16.30 - to 18.00 h
- Discussion Panel.
Good governance of courts of arbitration: our advice in the Code of Good Practice.
- Ana Serra e Moura. Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris.
- Patricia Saiz. Arbitrator; Professor of International Arbitration in ESADE Law School, Barcelona.
- José Maria Alonso. Partner, José Maria Alonso Abogados; Dean of the ICAM, Madrid.
- Alberto Ruiz Gallardón. Attorney; Prosecutor on voluntary leave; Former Minister of Justice of Spain, Madrid.
- 18.00 - to 18.15 h
- Coffee break.
- 18.15 - to 19.15 h
- The mediation board:
Ideas for the revision of the Code of Good Practice in Mediation?
- Filipa Cansado Carvalho. Of Counsel, PLMJ Advogados, Lisboa.
- Alina Leoveanu. Manager of the ICC International Centre for ADR, Paris.
- Renate Dendorfer. Lawyer and Partner DITGES Law Firm, Bonn/Germany.
- Phillip Howell-Richardson. Commercial Mediator, Independent Mediators, London.
- 21.00 h -
- Gala reception and dinner.
(La Terraza and Offices of the ABC News Outlet
Serrano 61).
Tuesday 18, June 2019
- 10.00 - to 11.15 h
- CEA cases
last year’s most outstanding cases analysed and discussed.
- Deva Villanúa.Partner, Armesto & Asociados; Vice President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, Madrid.
- Felipe Ossa. Partner, Claro y Cia, Santiago de Chile.
- Elena Gutiérrez García de Cortázar. Lawyer and Independent Arbitrator, Paris/Madrid.
- 11.15 - to 11.30 h
- Presentation:
The CEA new website.
- 11.30 - to 12.00 h
- Coffee break.
- 12.00 - to 13.00 h
- Discussion Panel.
How will the new Code of Good Practice afect expert witnesses and funding?
- Bernardo Cremades Román.Partner, B. Cremades & Asociados, Madrid.
- César Cervera Cantón. Managing Partner, Rockmond Litigation Funding Advisors, Madrid.
- Vicente Estrada . Managing Director and Head of Spain and Portugal in the area of Governance, Risk, Investigations and Disputes, Duff & Phelps, Madrid.
- Ricardo Noreña . Partner Head of Forensic & Integrity Services for the Mediterranean Region, EY, Madrid.
- Juan Jesús Valderas . Expert in Disputes & Investigations, Madrid.
- 13.00 h -
- Closing ceremony.
- 13.00 - to 14.00 h
- Club Español del Arbitraje General Assembly
(only for CEA members).
- 14.15 h -
- Luncheon.
(Hotel Intercontinental Madrid.
Paseo de la Castellana, 49)